Orange aluminum foil emergency sleeping bag

When you, say, go camping, hunting or hiking, you will need some tactical gear or travel first aid kit to ensure your safety in case of meeting emergency situation. Our aluminum foil emergency sleeping bag can help. It can keep the user warm and hence alive. On the other hand, it can be used as survival emergency Bivy Sack, poncho, emergency shelter, protecting you from rain,wind and snow. It can also be used as ground cover, sleeping bag liner when you are in extreme environments. Also, orange is a good color for signaling. In addition, it is waterproof, ultralight and portable. It is easy to use. Just pull out the bivy sack, unroll and climb inside. This thermal sleeping bag is kept in a small bag, easy to carry and store, you can carry and store it in any place, and also you can reuse if you want. Each emergency sleeping bag measures 7 ft X 3 ft, and in 120 gram, lightweight . It is a must for everyone who like outdoor expedition. Anyway, please find the following offer:...